On-Demand Professional Learning Catalog

On-the-GO Learning

The content in the GOCSD On-Demand Catalog is available on-demand and self-paced. There are no deadlines or time constraints. It includes recordings of webinars, toolkits, resources for our networks, and in-depth learning experiences. Most of the content requires a minimal time commitment, making it easy to fit into your busy schedule. It is accessible anytime, anywhere, from any device.

Who is the content designed for?

Our diverse range of topics caters to a wide spectrum of roles including: district administrators, principals, instructional coaches, communication directors, new and experienced teachers, and substitutes.

How much does it cost?

GOCSD Members have free access to the majority of the content.

Some content is available to anyone for free.

A few in-depth courses require a fee. GOCSD members receive a discount.

Do I need a Canvas account?

Yes, a free GOCSD Canvas account is required to access the content.

Your District does NOT have to use Canvas for you to be able to access our courses. You can NOT access the GOCSD Canvas site with the credentials you use to log into your District’s Canvas site.

How can I access the content?

With a few clicks, you can enroll in courses and begin your learning journey right away.

  • For free courses available to anyone, simply click the "Access for Free" button and self-enroll.

  • For courses limited to GOCSD members, click the "Request Access" button and submit the form. Your request will be processed promptly, usually within 24 hours.

  • For courses with an enrollment fee, click the “Learn More” button for all the details including how to purchase.

  • For first-time users, while self-enrolling or accepting enrollment in course, you will be given the opportunity to create your free account. The GOCSD Catalog Guide illustrates the steps for both scenarios.

  • Using any device you can log into the GOCSD Canvas site to access all the courses you are enrolled in.

How might a district utilize the catalog?

Empower staff to personalize their learning: Encourage your staff to explore the catalog and select content that aligns with their individual needs and professional goals.

Enrich district-wide PL days: Utilize the catalog's content to enhance district-wide professional learning events, catering to both large and small groups.

Provide customized substitute training: Equip your substitutes with valuable training tailored to your district's specific needs and expectations.

Cultivate a culture of continuous learning: Foster a spirit of continuous learning by sharing relevant content during administrators' meetings.

Integrate into new teacher onboarding: Utilize the catalog's resources as an integral part of your new teacher onboarding process.

Promote accessibility: Ensure that the GOCSD On-Demand Catalog is readily accessible to staff by incorporating a link on relevant web pages, staff portals, and email communications.

Spread the word: Keep your Professional Development Committee informed about this valuable resource.

Stay updated on new content: Read the GONews newsletter to receive updates on new additions to the catalog.

Latest Content

Below are the latest additions to our Professional Learning On-Demand Catalog.

Giving Students Hope

Systems Thinking

The Why Behind Portrait of a Graduate

Systems Thinking | Highly Effective Teaching & Leading

Exploring AI in Education

Highly Effective Teaching & Leading

Financial Forecasting with DESE's New Tool

Systems Thinking

Understanding the New Growth APR Approach

Systems Thinking | Highly Effective Teaching & Leading

Using AI to Elevate Instruction

Highly Effective Teaching & Leading

Curriculum Deep Dives

Highly Effective Teaching & Leading

Unlocking Potential through Real-World Learning

Systems Thinking | Highly Effective Teaching & Leading

Mentor Masterclass

Highly Effective Teaching & Leading

Teacher Proud Toolkit Tutorial

Systems Thinking

GOData Network

Highly Effective Teaching & Leading

MO School Finance

Systems Thinking

Learner Centered

Systems Thinking | Highly Effective Teaching & Leading

GOTech Network

Systems Thinking


Highly Effective Teaching & Leading

GOCoach Network

Highly Effective Teaching & Leading


Systems Thinking

GOGifted Network

Highly Effective Teaching & Leading

Why Everyone's Jealous of our Retirement System

Systems Thinking

Get the Lead Out

Systems Thinking

Educational Advocacy

Systems Thinking

Perfect Blend Series

Highly Effective Teaching & Leading

PSP Bulletin

Systems Thinking

Getting Ready to GO-CBL

Highly Effective Teaching & Leading

School Safety

Systems Thinking

Title IX Guidance

Systems Thinking

K-3 Reading Assessment

Highly Effective Teaching and Leading

GOCSIP Network

Systems Thinking

setting up a mathematical community

Highly Effective Teaching & Leading

Be Well Experience

Safe & Supportive Culture

GOLearn Professional Learning Framework


Our GOLearn PL Framework provides an overview of the learning experiences we offer. This systems approach supports continuous improvement and allows members to identify the offerings that meet their needs, providing a personalized experience. It includes three strands: Systems Thinking, Safe and Collaborative Culture, and Highly Effective Teaching an Leading.

We use the Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning when designing our experiences to ensure that we provide professional learning that leads to high-quality leading, teaching, and learning for students and educators.

Review our GOLearn Framework to identify sessions that meet your needs, see what sessions are currently open for registration on our PL Events webpage, and access the content in our on-demand catalog to start learning now.