​Browse GOCSD's Holiday Catalog of On-Demand Professional Learning​ to view and easily access all our latest sessions. https://bit.ly/GOCSDCatalog
about 4 years ago, Janetta Garton
Holiday Catalog
Do you know about EVERFI’s free digital, self-paced lessons for teaching financial literacy, career readiness, digital citizenship, social-emotional learning, and health & wellness? Register for one of GOCSD’s free virtual webinars on Dec 8th or 9th. https://greaterozarkscsd.org/professional-learning/
about 4 years ago, Janetta Garton
Enroll now in the GOCSD Canvas Academy. This on-demand, self-paced, facilitated course will lead you through creating your own Canvas course. Details and registration: https://greaterozarkscsd.catalog.instructure.com/courses/canvas-academy
about 4 years ago, Janetta Garton
Open for Enrollment
Do you know about EVERFI’s free digital, self-paced lessons for teaching financial literacy, career readiness, digital citizenship, social-emotional learning, and health & wellness? Register for GOCSD’s free virtual webinar to learn more. https://greaterozarkscsd.org/professional-learning/
about 4 years ago, Janetta Garton
Register Now
📢 #GOCSD Members can now access for free 2 on-demand 1 hour sessions from Jill Molli: Conscious Discipline in Unprecedented Times. Request enrollment: https://greaterozarkscsd.catalog.instructure.com/courses/conscious-discipline-in-unprecedented-times
about 4 years ago, Janetta Garton
Conscious Discipline in Unprecedented Times
The on-demand webinar recording is now available for the Elementary EVERFI session. Learn about their free, digital, real-world lessons. You can access the recording & resources from the #GOSCD Canvas Catalog. https://greaterozarkscsd.catalog.instructure.com/courses/everfi
about 4 years ago, Janetta Garton
On-Demand Webinar Recording is Now Available